Dr. Mary Lawhon (Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Florida State University) is seeking a Ph.D. student beginning in August 2016 to assist with an international research collaboration on waste and sanitation in African cities. The candidate is expected to spend 6-8 months conducting fieldwork in Uganda supported by a Swedish Research Council (VR) grant. The remainder of the candidate’s time in the program will be supported through the regular funding mechanisms at FSU, including teaching and research assistantships; the department also typically provides a final semester writing fellowship. The candidate will have the opportunity to interact with an international team of experts based at Makerere University (Uganda), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), University of Cape Town (SA), and Durham University (UK), participate in relevant workshops, receive conference funding, and co-author scholarly publications.
More details about the research project and its theoretical framing can be found here. It’s part of the wider Situated Urban Political Ecologies collective that you can read more about here. Information about FSU’s geography program and application process can be found here. Graduate applications to the department are due Feb 1, 2016.
To apply for this position, please send a CV and 1-2 page cover letter explaining your interests and experience to Dr. Lawhon by January 5, 2016.
For more information, please contact Dr. Mary Lawhon (mlawhon@fsu.edu).

By joining this project as PhD Student you will be able to meet other students and researchers active in the Situated Urban Political Ecologies Collective. Here is a photo from a #SituatedUPE workshop organised in Pretoria in 2014 with young career scholars and PhD students from across Africa and beyond. Read more about it on our blog.